Well, I've been meaning to get another post up for a while, but as of recently, handling building the Youth Ministry, the administration, and working with Campus Life, I have turned into a full time job. Spending close to 50 hours a week on so many related ministry jobs, God has been stretching me and growing me so much. I'm not sure I'd be able to take on another job without snapping me in two. Money is still a concern, but I'm doing my best to remain faithful in the task that God has called me to do, even if it is only for a year. I would go out and seek a more accessible job, but those are only secular jobs, and after spending so many years in that world while God called me to ministry, I feel as if I would taint or ruin my purpose if I did. I have been reading through the book of Acts recently, and came to a conclusion... Paul is a leader of the Church, not a leader of a church. Because of this, in confirms for me that this idea of a "tent makers" job isn't really something that is for those whom are serving within a church, unless they plan to be temporary. It may come off as rude, but Paul himself declares such a thing in 1 Cor. 9:1-18. I feel justified in saying that I will not work another secular job while God has me in ministry that He meant to be permanent. But, it's something that I may be a bit bitter on, so I will not continue to speak on such a thing.
So many good things are going on with Elevate right now, as God has provided us with a chance to move weekly with our building. This would bring a new set of challenges, as it would require me to put even more time into preparing for such a thing. But if it's God's will, whom am I to deny it? Students within Campus Life and Elevate are proving themselves to be fond of having me around, and dare I say it, enjoying my presence. With this will bring a heartache if God only has me out here for a year, as a lot have expressed interest in me remaining longer than a year. Whether I stay or leave, I can say for certain is that God has affirmed me to be here day in and day out. I wouldn't trade a single day to have money that could make life easier.
I can say for a fact that I do not know what my future holds for me. However, I can also say that I know God has ministry ahead for me, whether it be here with Redeemer Midwest, or another church elsewhere. I will remain obedient to His calling that He has given me until He calls me no longer to such a place.