Saturday, August 28, 2010

Finding the Call

Been spending a lot of time around ALLIES recently, which is a good thing as those guys are really helping me out. For the most part, I've been doing lots of exploring of the area as I try to figure out where all the 'cool' places are located. I've been to downtown Kenosha at least 5 times already and I enjoy it every time I do go. Lots of interesting stuff to do. I've also gone to the local High School (Central) to see their team play. (And win.) Very fun to see the very new stadium of theirs, and apparently they had a big turn out for it. (My idea of a big turn out for a High School football game has been ruined by Damascus High School.)

With the very first outreach event done by Church of the Redeemer's Elevate/Axis Midwest was very good. Not many, but it was enjoyable and the Spirit was clearly moving. I hope it means that I can build on top of it. I also had my first Church spending, as I had the option to buy a few resources for Elevate/Axis Midwest under the Midwest budget. They have a really good Christian bookstore called Treasures, and it's filled to youth, children, and young adult resources. Me and Kim Mills plan to be there as often as we can. I was also asked by a parent to intervene on behalf of her daughters friend, but I ended up not. (It was an over-reaction.)

Overall, I'm feeling really good about being here, as I'm not at all worried about things that normally catch my mind, but I can feel God's hand upon me, and that's been comforting enough.


  1. Go Damascus! ha. What is ALLIES?

  2. ALLIES is all of the youth pastors in the area who get together and plan group events between all of the youth groups, putting aside theological differences and have one goal of the students salvation.
