Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Getting Started

Ministry has begun to lift off for me recently. I have recently decided to leave my home state/town of Maryland/gaithersburg where I've grown up since I was born to go do ministry with my home church of Church of the Redeemer at their Wisconsin campus. This was a big step for me in my faith, as the job may or may not offer any compensation, which would mean I would be dependent upon others for my source of income. However, because God has called me up there, I don't worry about my money situation and instead have been praying continually for God to show me Himself while I'm out there. I am asking others for support of both prayers and money as I will need them both, but I do not worry about receiving them, because I know that God will provide for me all of my needs.

My first goal and objective once I get there is to find a core group of students that I can pour into and help form the ministry around, and then build from there. I will give everyone an update on everything that has happened or is going to happen once I actually get out there and finish up moving out.

1 comment:

  1. Bobby I will be praying for you and for God's work to be done through you in this wonderful adventure!! I know that the students there will love your fun free spirit and they will see your love for our God and want to be more in love with our God due to your example! Keep your head up and just enjoy watching God use you for his glory!!! I am excited to hear all about it through your blogs and our keeping in touch!! God bless! =)
