Saturday, October 23, 2010

God is Great!

Well, it's been almost a long month since I last posted an update. Lots of things have changed and been active since then.

Red October is no longer on Oct. 22nd, but instead on Oct.24th at Imagine Kenosha. Imagine Kenosha is also the new home of Elevate Wisconsin, which to start off will meet every other week until January. In January, I will be making an assessment of Elevate to decide whether or not it's worth moving to a weekly thing. This was a big break through for Elevate here, as it went from being non-existent, to having a steady place to call home after just three months! Because of this, my life has been very busy with setting up policies, procedures, and other administration stuff that is needed to launch a youth ministry. Red October is a key point, as many have been invited to come out to it, and not just our church students.

I have also been slowly preparing messages for Elevate around a theme based off of passion. If God is with me in the preparation process and the delivery process, it should direct students to have a passion for reading their bible and their relationship with Jesus Christ. I'm starting off with the "Passion of Adventure" showing them the sort of adventures God has taken His people through because they decided to follow Him. I will be ending with the "Passion of Christ." No, I will not be showing the movie to them, but it will be talking about his actions at the cross. This will be delivered around Christmas time, so I'm hoping it can hit close to home with them and have them really look at why we celebrate Christmas.

My money situation really hasn't improved too much. I haven't heard anything from the main campus on whether or not they can even do anything from me. I have been very patient with them, but I know that I also have to start building an influx soon, so I have talked with the Campus Life director out here and he may be able to help me. If his plan can work, he can set me up as a part-time intern in which I will get paid $6000.00 for the school year, (September through May.) and on top of that, set me up to receive gifts from others and have it written off as tax deductible. This would help me out, if only slightly. I am trusting in God to provide for me right now, and it is hard at times. Prayer for me is always welcomed!

I know this was a long break in between, but it was really only a month, and look at all the good things that God has done with such a short time! Keep me in your prayers, and I will update this as often as God moves!

1 comment:

  1. Bobby,

    I am so happy for you! I can see that God is moving through you there in WI! How exciting it is to hear that Elevate has a home! God is going to do wonders through that ministry I can just feel it! =) I will keep you in my prayers regarding your money situation....but always remember that God provides!! He is so good! =)

    Take care and God bless!
    Heather =)
