Monday, December 13, 2010

Long Pilgrimage

Well, it's been about four months and I'm now on the way out. I'll soon be in Michigan waiting out the storms. Hopefully, a job will pan out for me with a church in Holland and if not, I'll wait up in the north for a bit longer until I make a pilgrimage back to Maryland. I had really prayed for it all to work out, but it just didn't. I know this isn't something great to read after all the good and amazing stuff, but it is what it is and I have to honor what God called me to.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Well, I've been meaning to get another post up for a while, but as of recently, handling building the Youth Ministry, the administration, and working with Campus Life, I have turned into a full time job. Spending close to 50 hours a week on so many related ministry jobs, God has been stretching me and growing me so much. I'm not sure I'd be able to take on another job without snapping me in two. Money is still a concern, but I'm doing my best to remain faithful in the task that God has called me to do, even if it is only for a year. I would go out and seek a more accessible job, but those are only secular jobs, and after spending so many years in that world while God called me to ministry, I feel as if I would taint or ruin my purpose if I did. I have been reading through the book of Acts recently, and came to a conclusion... Paul is a leader of the Church, not a leader of a church. Because of this, in confirms for me that this idea of a "tent makers" job isn't really something that is for those whom are serving within a church, unless they plan to be temporary. It may come off as rude, but Paul himself declares such a thing in 1 Cor. 9:1-18. I feel justified in saying that I will not work another secular job while God has me in ministry that He meant to be permanent. But, it's something that I may be a bit bitter on, so I will not continue to speak on such a thing.

So many good things are going on with Elevate right now, as God has provided us with a chance to move weekly with our building. This would bring a new set of challenges, as it would require me to put even more time into preparing for such a thing. But if it's God's will, whom am I to deny it? Students within Campus Life and Elevate are proving themselves to be fond of having me around, and dare I say it, enjoying my presence. With this will bring a heartache if God only has me out here for a year, as a lot have expressed interest in me remaining longer than a year. Whether I stay or leave, I can say for certain is that God has affirmed me to be here day in and day out. I wouldn't trade a single day to have money that could make life easier.

I can say for a fact that I do not know what my future holds for me. However, I can also say that I know God has ministry ahead for me, whether it be here with Redeemer Midwest, or another church elsewhere. I will remain obedient to His calling that He has given me until He calls me no longer to such a place.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

God is Great!

Well, it's been almost a long month since I last posted an update. Lots of things have changed and been active since then.

Red October is no longer on Oct. 22nd, but instead on Oct.24th at Imagine Kenosha. Imagine Kenosha is also the new home of Elevate Wisconsin, which to start off will meet every other week until January. In January, I will be making an assessment of Elevate to decide whether or not it's worth moving to a weekly thing. This was a big break through for Elevate here, as it went from being non-existent, to having a steady place to call home after just three months! Because of this, my life has been very busy with setting up policies, procedures, and other administration stuff that is needed to launch a youth ministry. Red October is a key point, as many have been invited to come out to it, and not just our church students.

I have also been slowly preparing messages for Elevate around a theme based off of passion. If God is with me in the preparation process and the delivery process, it should direct students to have a passion for reading their bible and their relationship with Jesus Christ. I'm starting off with the "Passion of Adventure" showing them the sort of adventures God has taken His people through because they decided to follow Him. I will be ending with the "Passion of Christ." No, I will not be showing the movie to them, but it will be talking about his actions at the cross. This will be delivered around Christmas time, so I'm hoping it can hit close to home with them and have them really look at why we celebrate Christmas.

My money situation really hasn't improved too much. I haven't heard anything from the main campus on whether or not they can even do anything from me. I have been very patient with them, but I know that I also have to start building an influx soon, so I have talked with the Campus Life director out here and he may be able to help me. If his plan can work, he can set me up as a part-time intern in which I will get paid $6000.00 for the school year, (September through May.) and on top of that, set me up to receive gifts from others and have it written off as tax deductible. This would help me out, if only slightly. I am trusting in God to provide for me right now, and it is hard at times. Prayer for me is always welcomed!

I know this was a long break in between, but it was really only a month, and look at all the good things that God has done with such a short time! Keep me in your prayers, and I will update this as often as God moves!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Breathing Room

Well, I had my first event with Elevate Wisconsin on Sunday, "Burger King on Bobby." It turned out really well then what I thought it would. I had eight signed up and I took eight, just not the full eight that signed up originally. They enjoyed it very much, even had a lot of them carry on the the "after party" with music and Halo played in the basement of the Mills' House. For the most part, the rowdy bunch that I had kept it to a minimum for the most part. They all enjoyed it very much, and it continued on to an event that I never panned on going to, but since the majority of them wanted to go, I decided to take them.

Propaganda, a hip-hop/rap artist was performing at Immanuel Baptist Church, and since I know the Youth Pastor there, I took my few students to the event to enjoy it. (Pastor Andy invited all of the youth groups in the area.) I ended up enjoying it a bit more then the students did. Pastor Andy loved seeing me there, and I enjoyed seeing his youth group at work.

I had the chance to tell them about who I am, where I come from, and what my plans are for Elevate Wisconsin in the coming years. They all seemed to take to me, but I don't have my hopes up yet. I have spent a lot of time talking to them to figure out more about them and what I'm getting myself into. I can't wait to see what God will do here in the next few months. They are all excited for the next upcoming event which will be October 22nd. "Red October." I hope to have graphics for it soon.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Settling In

So, I've been hard at work as I've been planning two events for the Youth here in Kenosha County. Two events have already been lined up. Burger King on Bobby. (This is more of a chance for all of them to meet and get to know me.) The other will be more of a Party of sorts. (Plans are still being made, as I still uncover my budget for it.) I have also begun to work with Osmar of Campus life here in attempts to get to know students better. Osmar has been dedicated to helping me out. My plans are to now reach out to those that I do know well by going to them during their lunch periods at school.

Surprisingly, I found that despite being such a small church, there is a massive amount of talent within. Three of the students that I know all have such strong suits in either dancing, drawing, or singing. I may have to try to find a way to push them to use their talents.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Finding the Call

Been spending a lot of time around ALLIES recently, which is a good thing as those guys are really helping me out. For the most part, I've been doing lots of exploring of the area as I try to figure out where all the 'cool' places are located. I've been to downtown Kenosha at least 5 times already and I enjoy it every time I do go. Lots of interesting stuff to do. I've also gone to the local High School (Central) to see their team play. (And win.) Very fun to see the very new stadium of theirs, and apparently they had a big turn out for it. (My idea of a big turn out for a High School football game has been ruined by Damascus High School.)

With the very first outreach event done by Church of the Redeemer's Elevate/Axis Midwest was very good. Not many, but it was enjoyable and the Spirit was clearly moving. I hope it means that I can build on top of it. I also had my first Church spending, as I had the option to buy a few resources for Elevate/Axis Midwest under the Midwest budget. They have a really good Christian bookstore called Treasures, and it's filled to youth, children, and young adult resources. Me and Kim Mills plan to be there as often as we can. I was also asked by a parent to intervene on behalf of her daughters friend, but I ended up not. (It was an over-reaction.)

Overall, I'm feeling really good about being here, as I'm not at all worried about things that normally catch my mind, but I can feel God's hand upon me, and that's been comforting enough.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The First Day(s)

Well to start off, had a great trip that took two hours less then what was thought on my way up to Wisconsin. I have my dad's driving skills. After I made it, I was quick to get settled in, helping out in whatever way I could.

Sunday was a great first day of ministry observation, as I helped out with setting up church as well as meeting a few of the young adults and teens that attend. I ended up going out to lunch with two of them and the Mills family. After that, Jacob and me worked on a two song set for worship for the Axis/Elevate bible study that night, which went great. (Despite only having one other Young Adult show up besides for the two I met earlier.) I then spent today driving around Kenosha with Jacob as my tour guide as we hit all the cool places to hangout when there is nothing to do. Was an overall great first two days here in Kenosha Wisconsin. Enjoying myself fully and already being handed things to do that will help out with the Mills and the Church of the Redeemer Midwest campus. I expect for great things to come to this Church of the Redeemer campus.

On a side note, me and Jake have decided that once Chris gets back, and I find a way to get a hold of drums, we will start a band. This could still be a few months away though.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Getting Started

Ministry has begun to lift off for me recently. I have recently decided to leave my home state/town of Maryland/gaithersburg where I've grown up since I was born to go do ministry with my home church of Church of the Redeemer at their Wisconsin campus. This was a big step for me in my faith, as the job may or may not offer any compensation, which would mean I would be dependent upon others for my source of income. However, because God has called me up there, I don't worry about my money situation and instead have been praying continually for God to show me Himself while I'm out there. I am asking others for support of both prayers and money as I will need them both, but I do not worry about receiving them, because I know that God will provide for me all of my needs.

My first goal and objective once I get there is to find a core group of students that I can pour into and help form the ministry around, and then build from there. I will give everyone an update on everything that has happened or is going to happen once I actually get out there and finish up moving out.